One of the easiest ways to brighten your day — and someone else's — is to give a genuine compliment.
Try it and you won't doubt us. Keep Michael's Kindness Chain alive by sending a compliment to someone who deserves it. Because of who they are. Or what they've done.
Pay it forward: Keep Michael's Kindness Chain alive by sending a compliment to someone you care about.
Science shows that one of the easiest ways to brighten your day — and someone else's — is to send a genuine compliment.
We built our Kindness Chain to lift up as many people as possible. We know that kindness is contagious and we want to make it easy to spread.
So send a compliment card (or two…or 10!) and join thousands around the world who are part of our movement to grow happiness, one card at a time.
When someone pays your compliment forward, your Kindness Chain grows!
Happify's activities and games are based on breakthrough research from leading academic institutions. Our program is designed to train people to disrupt patterns of negative thinking, manage stress, and build skills to overcome life challenges.